
Home » Success stories  »  Viktor

Viktor was a rescue that came to me through another rescue called Cakis Dogs which help save abandoned and abused dogs on the streets and in the kill shelters of Bosnia. Viktor was successfully rehomed between me and a worker of Cakis Dogs all the way back in 2019. He was the craziest pupper id ever met, constantly full of beans and excitement, he loved nothing more then ripping things apart and driving you round the bend but underneath his bonkers exterior was a puppy who just wanted to love and be loved, a puppy who didn't understand right from wrong. He slowly got to where he needed to be and hearing he was still with his forever home was really heart-warming as he really did need continuous training... listening wasn't he strong point. As far as I know he is still where he was, he's happy healthy and is loved. He's a big miss and life was pretty quiet without him for a while but I'm glad he is where he belongs.