Storm & Pebbles

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Storm & Pebbles

Storm & Pebbles were found at around 10 weeks old along with their 2 other siblings and their mother. Once they were captured it was noticed these poor babies were infested with worms and were treated straight away, it took weeks to build them up to the correct weight ready for them to be neutered once old enough.

Storm & Pebbles were always the most nervous of all the kittens, which made us make the decision of keeping them together. We knew that they needed someone with plenty of time, patience & love. Although they'd come a long way from the hissy scared kittens they once were, they still needed time.

Within a couple of weeks Storm & Pebbles had the perfect couple apply for them and moved into their home on the 3rd of January 2024 ready to start the beginning of the new year in the warmth of a loving home, a place to call their own all the way in Berwickshire. We here at Zoe's Ark are absolutely made up for them.

A month down the line & here is what their new owners have to say about them-

Well, it’s 4 weeks today and we absolutely love them and all their odd ways. Pebbles is silent, it’s almost as if her mother taught her not to miaow - Storm occasionally miaows and burbles away to himself. They will lick food from our fingers, but still no further forward with being able to touch them. We wouldn’t be without them, their boundless energy and playfulness is wonderful! Xx
- Lorraine Bowyers

It has now been 3 months since our lovely Storm & Pebbles have went to their forever home, here is an update for you all:-

First piece of news… we had to give up using Storm as a name, he’s Ronnie to us. Storm suggests power and anger and Ronnie is such a gentle soul who is utterly dominated by Pebbles. We are making slow but steady progress in gaining their trust. Pebbles will occasionally let Andrew stroke the side of her face and Ronnie is ok with having his feet and tail touched. Any attempt to touch their sides or heads results in them running away and we go back a few stages. They are desperate to go out but we are still keeping them in as neither of us is convinced they would come back 😢 All that being said, we love them dearly, and they bring so much joy whether they’re chasing each other, playing with corks and paper balls or curled up in a sunny spot or in front of the fire. They are each the other’s best friend and despite the play fighting they do love each other. Ronnie’s pleasure is to lick out big yogurt pots; Pebbles waits for him to finish so she can clean his head for him. Love Andrew, Lorraine, Ronnie and Pebbles.
Here is Storm & Pebbles 6 month update:-
We’ve had a breakthrough with both Ronnie and Pebbles! Ronnie has no hint of his beginnings, and to all intents and purposes he is just like any other cat. He loves strokes, cuddles and will allow himself to be brushed. I can pick him up and although he’d rather I didn’t, he is becoming less stressed. He is, however, a born thief and silently steals whatever he can lay his paws on - bread is a particular favourite! Pebbles is still wary but she now lets us stroke her, albeit on her terms, and the sound of her purring as she has her ears scratched is joyous. We’re a long way off cuddles, and I’m not sure either of them will be natural lap cats, but the change over the past 6 months is amazing. They play together endlessly, charging under and over the furniture at breakneck speeds . We have solid floors and they take corners like cartoon characters. Ronnie has spent weeks remodelling his cardboard box house, Casa Ronnie and Pebbles winds him up by hiding in it then leaping out. We can’t believe they have been with us for 6 months and while we still have a way to go, we know they are happy to be with us.
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