Bill & Ben

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Bill & Ben

Bill & Ben were brought into rescue back in July 2024 at only 2 weeks old along with their mum, auntie & another cat from the house hold. Bill & Ben weren't doing the best health wise & started to decline rapidly. Their eyes were sealed shut and once we managed to soak them and open them a lot of puss started coming out. They were struggling to put on weight and struggling to poo. Its was heartbreaking, so alongside feeding off their mum, we stepped in to also help hand rear them.

It was long time of uncertainty,  however we are so very thankful to say they made an amazing comeback and survived with lots of eyedrops & antibiotics. All we needed now was to find them the perfect home. Bill & Bens personality showed in everything they did, double trouble is definitely the way we would describe them, with the biggest hearts of gold. Bill and Ben were very well known at a local cafe near the vets, as when hand rearing them, they had to come everywhere with me, eventually when old enough the owner of the cafe would make them scrambled eggs to enjoy and help them get stronger, it was lovely, they really did spread joy wherever they went.

It took a couple months until we ended up finding the perfect home for the boys and I can honestly say for them it was worth the wait & I couldn't be happier, these quirky boys went to a quirky home and they now live happily ever after.

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