Delilah & Reign

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Delilah & Reign

The lovely Delilah & Reign came here to us at Zoes Ark from Manchester after being rescued by a lovely lady there. Reign was always such a shy boy, very nervous and reserved. As for Delilah, she was full of confidence and loved attention. We always knew that they would both need each other after surviving all they had together in their short time on earth and we were so pleased to find that happy ever after for them.

Delilah & Reign were spotted by a lovely couple living all the way down in Margate and we set away one afternoon to take them down. They now live a life of luxury, living out their days spoilt rotten and happy. We couldn't ask for more for them.

Lovely Delilah & Reigns 1 month update:-

It’s been a month since Wanda (aka Delilah) and Bucky (aka Reign) made their journey down from ‘up North’ to the seaside Kent - and what a month it has been! After a few days in their own room and getting introduced to the other cats, they made this their home. They create havoc as they zoom from one end of the house to the other, spreading toys everywhere (Wanda is keen on ‘her’ flappy fish and Bucky is mad about cable ties and ear plugs). I am so happy both Wanda and Bucky felt comfortable enough to always be around us. Bucky especially as I was expecting a lot of hiding! Wanda is the Queen – always in your feet, wanting attention, cuddles and brushing (unless she’s sleeping). Bucky loves being with us – he will settle next to a human and loves the company but… it was only two days ago that he finally allowed me to pet him. Now he loves it (not quite keen on the brushing yet). They are starting to be willing to understand the word 'no' but only when they feel like it. The kittens are keen on the other cats these are tolerating them without a problem with Gambit even having a little play with them. Both kittens seem to be longing for the ‘great outdoors’, especially when they see the other cats outside. Not quite ready yet… All in all, it’s been a blessing and a joy to have these two added to our family. Thank you so much, Zoe!
- Rita Docker

The 3 month update:-

I can't believe it's been three months - seems like yesterday you brought us a a timid Wanda (aka Delilah) and a very wary Bucky (Reign). They now own the place and certainly make their presence known! both love their cuddles and being brushed. They seem to have taken the habits (good and bad!) from each of the other cats and are also squatting in Gambit's and Misty's favourite boxes and spots. They run riot in the house, tearing through from one end to the other, preferably at the crack of dawn. They have started going out (was waiting for Bucky to have better 'recall') and are enjoying the great outdoors. Still not allowed full use of the cat flap like the three others, only when we are home and can sort of keep an eye on them. Both the kittens are taken by Gambit (my youngest of the adults) and follow him around like pilot fish with a shark. He also keeps an eye on them when they are outside and brings them back to the roost. All in all, a blessing to have those two loveable rogues! Can't thank you enough for taking them in, looking after them and making the journey to bring them to the seaside! Also - just realised they will very soon be one year old!

Their wonderful 6 months update:-

Six months down the line and the once timid Wanda (aka Delilah) and wary Bucky (aka Reign) rule the roost – Wanda so sassy and bold and Bucky is more 'still waters run deep' (don’t let that demureness fool you). Loving and always seeking cuddles and brushing. They are growing though staying titchy – maybe seems that way because my other cats are so big. They love the great outdoors and have great fun in the garden – also starting to make a name for themselves in the neighbourhood (in a good way). Wonderful to have them out and about but coming right back home when called. Such gentle any happy little ones but also psycho killers – who would think that when seeing those sweet little faces. We regularly get ‘presents’ left for us and I know it’s them as they have a special M.O. It's been a treat and a blessing having them join our family and am ever so grateful to Zoe for bringing them to us.