

Midnight came to us all the way back in March after being trapped in Staffordshire, she was part of a feral colony which consisted of 40+ cats. When Midnight came into our care she showed pretty much straight away she wanted to be left alone however that didn't stop us trying tirelessly to rehabilitate her, progression was made in some places but steps back where made in others, as time went on the more she was restricted the more annoyed she would get.

This lead us to then try a different approach, time. Midnight was transferred from the rehabilitation station into the main area of the rescue where she had free-roam. Months passed and she was no further interested in humans or contact then she more or less was when coming in, she wanted to be left alone and showed us being a free spirit was mentally where she was at. We felt a home where they were happy to just leave her alone or an outdoor feral would be best suited to her so she was put up and in July a lovely lady came forward offering her everything we knew she would love so away Midnight went to start her happy ever after as an outdoor feral loved by someone who would make sure she was ok if she ever needed help.

And here are her pawsome updates:-

1 Month:-

Midnight seems to be quite settled in her new abode. I don't see much of her and she keeps finding sneaky hidey holes but the wildlife camera has been a good way of ensuring she is OK and giving her space. I'd like to slowly move to allowing her more freedom and enjoying the wilds of Weardale
- Rachel Hepburn

Wonderful Midnights 3 month update:-

She is fine, was doing fine in her barn, although not going out. The roof of the metal shed collapsed so I trapped her to fix it and was due to go away so I just popped her in the house and set up camera. Anyways little miss "I want a barn and straw" apparently loves a triple folded fleece blanket ...
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