

  • Posey
  • Female
  • 3 years & 7 months old (DOB 5th October 2020- Estimate)
  • Tortoiseshell
  • Domestic short haired
  • Flea'd & wormed (will also come neutered, vaccinated & microchipped)
  • No known health conditions or concerns 
  • Available to be reserved

Hello all, my name is Posey. I came to the rescue when a lady finally captured me after months of trying out of fear I was pregnant and out in the cold. I was checked for a microchip but there was no luck, I also went for an ultrasound and it turns out I wasn't pregnant at all. I definitely haven't been a feral all my life as my love trust and care towards humans is second to non, I guess nobody really knows what's happened, but anyway I am so glad I am safe and loved back now.

I get on well with other cats, it just takes me a bit to be introduced because I can be sassy at first but after a bit I get over it, I would however also be just as happy as an only cat with the soul attention of the household. I don't really have a nasty bone in my body, I can be picked up, cuddled and I LOVE head kisses, boy am I a sucker for them. I enjoy sleeping on the bed next to you and just living life happily in your company.

I could quite possibly be a little younger then the age given however we just aren't sure, we don't reckon I am any older though and I am glad to say I am purrrrrfectly healthy.

I don't want to share my space with dogs, I dislike them very much. Children I would be happy around also but please don't let them continuously brush my furr backwards as I don't like that. There isn't much I don't like. I just want to be loved, I am litter trained and don't ever have accidents... Mummy Zoe says its most important I tell everyone the truth about myself to make sure I get the best possible home for me as I really do deserve it.

If you like the sound of me the rescue would love to hear from you, please scroll down and click on the adoption option below in the Quick Links section now and type in my name in order for you chance to have me. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about me.


  • Midnight
  • Female
  • 1 year 3 months old (DOB: 12th February 2023- Estimate)
  • Black
  • Domestic Short Haired
  • Neutered, vaccinated, microchipped, flea'd & wormed
  • No known health conditions or concerns

Hello my name is Midnight, if I was to be described in three words I reckon it would be, nervous, feisty and dramatic. Although in general I am a good girl, I am litter-trained, I get on well with other cats, I don't cause any problems within the rescue, I can be very very sassy when it comes to humans. I am not the easiest to catch, I can hiss and can spit and I don't really like human contact however this is something where if I am settled, it could continue to be worked on. 

I came from a massive feral colony down in Stafford where there were over 40 of us, it was hard but considering I'm over 1 years old with no proper human interaction or experience it would explain why I can be the way I am at times, I literally have known no better.

A person with experience in feral fesity's would be beneficial for me as I am not a cat for the faint hearted, I have shown signs of calming down though, like when I was taken for my vaccines once I was caught I let Mummy Zoe and the vet give me my vaccine no problems at all.

I just need time, space, respect and most of all a person I can trust, Mummy Zoe wants it to be a last resort on putting me up as an outdoor feral. It goes without saying I cannot be homed to anyone who has children, visiting children are fine as I can go and hide but please make it known to them I would want to be left alone and to respect that. Other cats are fine however dogs are a no no.

If you feel you could be capable of loving me and warming my heart please click on the adoption option below in quick links to apply for me now. Thankyou.


  • Sponge
  • Male
  • 1 Year 3 Months old (DOB: 18th January 2023- Estimate)
  • Ginger & White
  • Domestic Short Haired
  • Neutered (Will also come vaccinated, microchipped, flea'd & wormed)
  • No known health conditions or concerns
  • Available to be reserved 

Hello all my name is Sponge, I've been at the rescue for a little while now and though I am still pretty nervous, I am ready to find my new loving, furever home. 

I was collected from Staffordshire where I was living quite rurally in part of a feral cat colony. In total there was probably 50 of us, I am thankful to say because of this I am use to cats and can live with them. I wouldn't like to live in a house with dogs or other children though, just a nice comfy warm place where I can settle in my own time and be just as loved. 

I believe in the right environment I will be able to thrive, do you have time and patience for a kitty like me? I am litter-trained and I'm a really good boy, the as the days pass, my confidence grows that little bit more.

Please please please try & give me a chance, I could even just be great company for your current kitties and a pretty boy to look at. Thankyou in advance, if you are interested I'd be very grateful if you filled out the 'Adoption' option below in the quick links area and type my name in.


  • Marci
  • Female
  • 2 years 8 months old (DOB: 12th October 2021)- estimate
  • Black & White
  • Domestic long haired
  • Flea'd & wormed (will come neutered, vaccinated & microchipped)
  • No known health conditions or concerns
  • Available to be reserved

Hello all my names Marci, short for Marceline which is a name of the French origin meaning 'Little warrior'. I was called this as I haven't ever been a pet before and ended up a feral stray pregnant. I gave birth to 4 beautiful babies. We were captured in September by mummy Zoe who pushed to help us and then officially set up the rescue. I've been here the longest as mummy Zoe has really wanted to work on me to give me the best chance possible in being rehomed.

I really have come a long long way, when I first came in the rescue I hissed and would strike out, I hated anyone near me, I smashed every single thing in the bathroom petrified and wanting to get out, I just hid, over the months I have now grown confidence, come out with ease, play and live happily and comfortably with in the 4 walls of what I now call home. 

I still have my moments, truthfully deep down I will always be a sassy diva, but I mean no harm, what's life without a little spice though? I'm still weary when I comes to being stroked and do need more time to trust however I'm more willing then what I was, I just sometimes (depending on my mood or if I'm hungry) like to bop your with my paw in order to tell you to leave me be or I will run off though I'm starting to stay a little longer.

I am loving and do enjoy being around you however its from a distance at the moment and its on my terms. I'm a lady who knows what she wants and most importantly what she DOESN'T want. 

I get on well with all cats, even if a cat tries to hit me I never react, I would make a wonderful pet if you're looking for a cat mainly to keep your other cat company and give you something super pretty to look at. I cant be around young children or dogs though this would really upset me and stress me out, visiting children are fine as I can take myself away to a quite space but that's are far as I'll go. older cat savvy children are fine. (16+). 

Please consider me because I really do have so much potential. All my children have now been adopted and its time for me to find a place to call my own, there has to be someone out there who would like my spice and smile/laugh at it admiring the fact I'm just me and still feed me at the end of the day.

For your chance to adopt me please fill out a form in the 'Adoption' option below in the quick links section today. Thankyou for you consideration.


  • Rufus
  • Male
  • 2 years 9 Months (DOB: 25th July 2021)
  • Black & White
  • Domestic Short Haired
  • Neutered, Flea'd & Wormed (Will come vaccinated & microchipped also)
  • No known health conditions or concerns
  • Available to be reserved

Hello my names Rufus, I'm a very friendly, kind caring boy with a heck of a lot of love to give. I have come to the rescue through no fault of my own, apparently my owner became allergic to me and our neighbours were complaining of me pooping in their garden, I guess I just didn't understand how that was wrong.

I get on with everyone in the rescue meaning I am suitable for homes that already have kittys and are wanting to add to their furr family, I also use to live with dogs and young children so I have had experience with all. I really want a family to call my own again because I know I really could provide a lot of happiness, I love cuddles & kisses and to give cuddles and kisses. I love sleeping with you on the bed and being around you and your company. 

I have outdoor experience also, however I have settled into indoor life perfectly and I am not one bit of bother, I am litter-trained and dont cry to go out, is there really much more anyone could want from a cat? I really am the whole package, I really could fit into just about any family.

If you would like to adopt me please dont hesitate to fill out a form for me in the 'adoption' option below as you wont ever regret it. Thankyou in advance.